BMP's for Georgia Golf Courses

Click HERE to view the Best Management Practices for Georgia Golf Courses

Click HERE to download instructions on how to create your own Facility BMPs

Water Info and BMPS for Water Conservation

Click HERE to view general information from the Georgia EPD Watershed Protection Branch
HERE to view the Georgia EPD Rules for Drought Management/Water Conservation
Click HERE to download the 2024 Water Reporting Form

Water Permitting Information

Under state law, any party withdrawing more than 100,000 gallons of water
per day (on a monthly average), on a systemwide basis, from surface water or
groundwater, should have a state approved withdrawal permit.
In terms of municipal or industrial usage, that means actual usage above
100,000 gpd, in terms of agricultural irrigation permits that means any
systemwide total pumping capacity of 70 gallons per minute or more.

Specifics for Recreational Turf Irrigation:

a) Groundwater - For any golf course using groundwater in Bryan, Chatham,
Effingham and Glynn counties, a MUNICIPAL & INDUSTRIAL GW withdrawal permit
is required by law.   For more information call 404-675-1680.

b) Groundwater - For any golf courses using groundwater anywhere else in the
state (the other 155 counties), an AGRICULTURAL GW withdrawal permit is
required by law.  For more information call 229-391-2400.

c) Surface Water - For any golf course using surface water for irrigation
from streams upstream of Peachtree Creek in the Chattahoochee River Basin,
a MUNICIPAL & INDUSTRIAL SW withdrawal permit is required by law.  For more information call 404-362-2637.

d) Surface Water -  For any golf courses using surface water anywhere else
in the state, an AGRICULTURAL SW withdrawal permit is required by law.
For more information call 229-391-2400.